About HeartSync

The mission of HeartSync is to promote and participate in the mission statement of Christ to “heal the brokenhearted,” whereby He gives us singleness of heart and action (undivided hearts) to the end that we are able to “love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind.”

Healing Starts with Love

As Jesus put it; “This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

(*Scriptures from Luke 4:4:17-18a; Isaiah 61:1; Jeremiah 32:39; Matthew 22:37-40.)

HeartSync Ministry does this (heals the brokenhearted) by intentionally synchronizing with the various aspects of the heart with each other and bringing them into full relationship with God.

All of us are brokenhearted or have a divided heart to one degree or another. Bishop Andrew Miller notes in his personal research that all people have at least four main aspects of the human heart, which make up the core human personality. Further, these four expressions of the human personality correspond roughly to four major areas of the brain.

This is an important consideration as it means we can “check in” with each of the four core parts to see if each are in relationship with God and if not, we can work to resolve the conflicts which are keeping any parts of our hearts separated from loving relationship with Jesus.

“Brokenhearted” is defined as: Any persistent separation between and within the heart, soul, mind, and spirit of a person (an emotional and spiritual captivity hindering the resolution of conflicted beliefs, as well as the effects of pain and trauma), which prevents joyful connection with God and others.

The 4 Core Parts

  1. True Self: The aspect of the heart and mind that has the capacity to connect most strongly with God. (Primarily associated with the Pre-Frontal Cortex.)
  2. Function: The aspect of the heart and mind that does the daily functioning of life and often stays disconnected from painful memory. (Primarily associated with the Left Hemisphere.)
  3. Emotion: The aspect of the heart and mind that is most closely connected to pain, trauma, and unresolved emotions. (Primarily associated with the Right Hemisphere.)
  4. Guardian: The aspect of the heart and mind that believes the Emotion and Function parts of the heart must be kept apart, or else the Function part will be too overwhelmed to do any daily functioning—and so is devoted to keeping them apart. (Primarily associated with the Amygdala.)

The HeartSync Approach

  1. Education
  2. God Names conversation
  3. Opening Prayer (with Praise and Confession to Jesus and Appeal for Protection)
  4. Divine Encounter (or Connection)
  5. Appreciation Exercise (including the five senses)
  6. Explore: Work with the Presenting Part to resolve conflicts and spiritual assignments
  7. Expand: Work to expand the Divine Encounter by progressively inviting the other Core Parts into relationship with Jesus—working to resolve conflicts and spiritual assignments until all the heart is in loving relationship with God
  8. Return to Divine Encounter
  9. Closing Prayer
Meet Bishop Andrew, Founder and President of HeartSync

HeartSync in a Nutshell

Steep some tea, sit back, and learn more about HeartSync from Bishop Andrew.

Learn the History of


Experienced, Licensed, Biblical, Registered, Multiplied

  • HeartSync was born from Bishop Andrew’s work with severely brokenhearted people. During the early 1990s, some of the fundamental procedures in his “Healing the Broken Hearted" model began to emerge as he worked with the different parts of people’s desynchronized hearts. These were the precursors to the current tools he developed and are now taught through HeartSync programs.
  • In 2009, Bishop Andrew was ordained as a priest in the Evangelical Episcopal Church and subsequently formed the non-profit, Healing the Broken Hearted Inc. as a 501(c)3. Following this, HeartSync Ministries was launched in February of 2010 with the first stand-alone conference. Since then, we have seen rapid growth with HeartSync communities established in North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, California, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Israel, and more.
  • In June 2018, HeartSync Ministries rolled out the criteria and process necessary to become a Qualified or Certified HeartSync Minister. Our heart was and is to ensure the quality of ministry as taught and lived out by Bishop Andrew.
  • 2025 marks the launch of the most exciting growth yet: a dedicated private online community for all of us to gather in our healing journeys with God.
  • HeartSync is looking forward to the future God has planned -- the complete healing He has in store for His people! We hope you'll join us in our HeartSync Community.

Will You Be a Part of Our Future?

Hardest Cases Respond with Powerful Transformation

Having received HeartSyncs, as well as being trained to minister them, I can say that the ministry process has been incredibly powerful in bringing healing to the whole heart. I have seen the hardest cases respond with powerful transformation.

I particularly love that brain science, attachment theory, and other clinical approaches are the foundations of this approach, because God is the God of science and He is a genius!

Thank you, Father Andrew, for your ministry and for releasing it to the world!

Cindy Hatcher


Life-Changing Results

Few ministries seem to actually have the power to change the roots of any given problem. In my experience, HeartSync is one of those few ministries with life-changing results.

Zale D

HeartSync Changed My Life!

After fifteen years in the world of inner healing as both a facilitator and someone receiving, HeartSync changed my life! I never even recognized that I have different "parts" of my heart. The Brain Science portion of Andrew Miller's teaching helped me come out of denial, and recognize that having parts was universal!

After learning, receiving and then facilitating HeartSync... I am a whole person! I am so thrilled to have the parts of my heart synchronized and connected to Jesus, Father and Holy Spirit and safe others! Thank you, Father Andrew and HeartSync Ministries!

Denise Hughes

Statement of Faith For

HeartSync Healing

We affirm the historic Christian faith as summarized in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. Therefore, we believe that true healing comes from the Father in the name of Jesus, the Lord, by the power of the Spirit.

We believe that the primal disobedience of the human race resulted in spiritual, relational, intellectual, emotional, physical, and societal brokenness. Scripture calls this reality “the world” and “the flesh.”

We believe that God’s healing power is available today. One of the signs of the in-breaking of the kingdom of God into “this world” is the healing of the brokenness of our lives.

We believe that healing is the work of the Holy Spirit as He restores health and wholeness in Jesus’ name, leads people into truth, opens their hearts to receive the Father’s love, and calls them to participate in the transforming of society. Healing is the fruit of the Spirit’s work, not a result of man-made techniques. We are absolutely dependent on Him.

We believe that the Bible, God’s inspired and authoritative Word, is foundational to God’s healing work in our lives. The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to expose lies, reveal truth, and guide His people.

We believe that, while the Sovereign Lord may heal a person directly, He most often mediates the gifts of His healing through the Body of Christ, the Church.

We believe that Christ’s Church is in a spiritual battle “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). We are most effective in that battle when we are unified under the Headship of Christ. Though our current divisions cause us deep pain, we believe that the unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:1) is a spiritual reality and our motivation for cooperation in ministry beyond denominational bounds.

Whoever you are and whatever you’re looking for, you’ll find your place in our HeartSync Community!

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See You There!